Dear Visitor,
This is an invitation to contribute to the VR social housing neighborhood and meeting place Transsaulted Circles that connects this exhibition and its visitors to the visitors of Mehringplatz 20, a bedroom gallery in Berlin. Visitors to each space (in Berlin and San Francisco), along with anyone else who wishes to participate from afar, can add to Transsaulted Circles, which is part of a multi-layered and collaborative virtual reality project Szívküldi Lakótelep (szívküldi= heart-sent, lakótelep=social housing neighborhood) that artist Judit Navratil has been developing since 2018.
Judit Navratil asks:
- How can we be good ancestors in a virtual neighborhood?
- What are your seeds that you’d like to plant here?
- How can we nourish meaningful connections in a virtual gathering place?
You can access the evolving Transsaulted Circles by visiting this link.
To contribute to the Transsaulted Circles in Szívküldi Lakótelep:
- You can visit / in San Francisco or Mehringplatz 20 in Berlin and sketch in the notebook on site. We will scan the sketch and it will be incorporated into Transsaulted Circles.
- You can also send a photo, sound, or video to, who will add it to the VR neighborhood (email subject: Transsaulted Circles)
— thank you!