Takming Chuang and Amy Nathan in /room/
October 16, 2021 – January 22, 2022
A two-person sculpture show on our library bookshelves. Juried by Michelle Handelman and Maryam Yousif.
Takming Chuang
Born in New York City, Takming Chuang currently lives and works in the San Francisco Bay Area. He received his MFA in Art Practice from the University of California, Berkeley and a BA in Economics from the State University of New York, Binghamton. He lectures at Sonoma State University and UC Berkeley, serves on the programming committee of Right Window Gallery, and makes sculptures, photographs, prints, and installations at his studio in Oakland. His work centers around the nature of impermanence and the gamut of emotions that arise between accepting and rejecting change.
Amy Nathan
Amy Nathan’s drawing, sculpture, and installation-based practice asks questions about how meaning can be expressed through visual languages. Her work is guided by ideas such as the gendered nature of politics and power, classical mythology and contemporary literature, and the body’s visceral reaction to its environment. Nathan’s work has been exhibited at CULT | Aimee Friberg Exhibitions, the Headlands Center for the Arts, AORA London, Traywick Contemporary, Facebook, and with the International Sculpture Center. Her work has appeared in Artforum, Art Maze Magazine, New American Paintings and Sculpture Magazine, and featured with Juxtapoz. She holds a MFA from Mills College and was a Graduate Fellow at Headlands Center for the Arts.

Around Halloween, 2019
clay, photograph, shopping bag
7 x 8 x 5 inches

Swatch (Slade), 2018
clay, photograph, bin liner
6 x 5 x 2 inches

First Time in France, 2020
clay, garbage bag
7 x 8 1/2 x 5 inches

Whitney Hall, 2021
clay, garbage bag
12 x 10 x 6 inches

Brotherhood, 2021
clay, shopping bags
4 x 13 x 4 inches

Andromeda, 2020
hydrocal, fiberglass, copper, stone, rope, flashe
18 x 12 x 9 inches

Book of Hours, 2020
hydrocal, fiberglass, ink, acrylic
11 x 17 1/2 x 1 1/2 inches

Hera Push, 2021
pigmented hydrocal and obsidian
16 x 9 x 5 1/2 inches

Mirror with Updo, 2021
pigmented resin and obsidian
6 x 8 x 5 inches

Mom and Dad, 2019
clay, shopping bag
3 1/2 x 10 1/2 x 7 inches

Luxury Collection, 2019
clay, bin liner
6 1/2 x 7 x 4 1/2 inches

Hotel Alfonso 13, 2021
clay, bin liner
6 1/2 x 9 1/2 x 7 inches

Elephant in the Room, 2019
clay, garbage bag
9 1/2 x 13 x 4 1/2 inches